I am working on a universal iOS application, but several user settings do not make much sense on the iPad.
Can I specify a separate Settings.bundle or Root.plist file for use on the iPad?
from 4.0 you can simply rename the file for ipad to contain ~ ipad in the name and ~ iphoone for iphone, now you can only rename iphone one and have 3.2 on the ipad load the usual named ones.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1014482/More articles:Accessing private variables in an injected method - python - pythonPartial use of quotes F # - f #Different settings for different devices? - iosWhich Root CA is still issuing SHA-1 ssl certificates? - sslWrite to Swift preset - swiftThe SELECT list is not in the GROUP BY clause and contains a non-aggregated column .... incompatible with sql_mode = only_full_group_by - mysqlЧто означает ошибка, начинающаяся с маркера - sshHow to detect a change in a variable? - rxjsDf filter when values match part of string in pyspark - pythonCheck if a new action is running with Espresso - androidAll Articles