Question at the end
What am I trying to do:
- Enter the property in the created object and set it instead of the variable (success)
- The input method (let me call it METHOD) for the created object, the object did not have such a method before (success)
- Call another public method from a property using self (success)
- Call a method from a property using self (success)
- Get private class variable from METHOD method with self ( failure )
Now, here is some code:
from types import MethodType def add_property(instance, name, method): cls = type(instance) cls = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), {}) cls.__perinstance = True instance.__class__ = cls setattr(cls, name, property(method)) def add_variable(instance, name, init_value = 0 ): setattr(type(instance), name, init_value) class Simulation: def __init__(self): self.finished = False self.__hidden = -10 def someloop(self): while not self.finished: self.__private_method() def __private_method(self): pass def public_method(self): pass def mocked_method(self): print(type(self)) print(self.__dict__) print(self.__hidden) def finished(self): print("Execute finished",type(self)) self.public_method() self.mocked_update() return True simulation = Simulation() add_property(simulation, "finished", finished) add_variable(simulation, "count_finished", 0) simulation.mocked_update = MethodType(mocked_method, simulation) simulation.someloop()
What code is created (these fingerprints):
Execute finished '<class '__main__.Simulation'> <class '__main__.Simulation'> {'finished': False, '_Simulation__hidden': -10, 'mocked_update': <bound method mocked_method of <__main__.Simulation object at 0x030D2F10>>} (...) AttributeError: 'Simulation' object has no attribute '__hidden'
As you can see, the self is what it should be (modeling class), it was correctly entered, but still it does not work. If you are interested:
obviously works inside mocked_update.
Therefore, my question is: Do I have a chance to access this variable using self?
As the question arose in the comments section:
This does not serve any real purpose; it is just an experiment.