I work with the latest Angular and Typescript and RxJS 5.
Angular is currently making RxJS necessary. I have been using C # mostly for over 10 years, and I'm very used to the Linq / Lambdas / free syntax, which I believe has become the foundation of Reactive.
I would like to make an Http call with an increase in the timeout value on restarting, but I had a problem with how to do this, and still keeping everything in the pipeline (without using an external state).
I get that I can do this, but it will just repeat using the same timeout value.
The documentation for RxJS was poor in many places, and asking about it here only removed my question from existence, which is sad ... so I was forced to look at the source.
Is there a way to try again with an increase in the timeout duration each time so as to maintain state in the pipeline? In addition, I want the first timeout to be made on the first try.
At first I tried similar things, but realized the confusing retryWhen statement is not intended for what I want:
myHttpObservable.timeout(1000).retryWhen((theSubject: Observable<Error>) => { return aNewMyObservableCreatedinHere.timeout(2000); });
I know that I can do this using an external state, but I'm mostly looking for an elegant solution, which, I think, is what they are fighting for with a reactive programming style.