I am trying to use boto3 for the Polly API in the Google App Engine for Python. So far I have installed boto3 in my lib subdirectory
pip install -t lib boto3
When I run a stand-alone script, it works well. But when I execute boto3.client (...) in my application on my DEV server, I get the error botocore / session.py:
from _winreg import OpenKeyEx, QueryValueEx, CloseKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
ImportError: No module named _winreg
I saw that since GAE is sandboxed, so itโs normal that the _winreg module is unavailable
Does anyone have any experience installing boto3 in GAE and running it on a DEV and PROD server?
Or is there another way to use the Polly API?
As @ simon-pierre pointed out below the _winreg error, you can solve it by editing config_appengine.py and adding:
import sys
But then I ran another issue
Python NameError: 'ssl' . , app.yaml ssl :
- name: ssl
version: 2.7.11
, GAE Windows: _ssl RAND_egd ImportError: RAND_egd. sochet.py
socket.py, , :
, :
DEV AWS: ConnectionError: ( " .", (13, " " )) client.describe_voices ( "en-US" ) DEV GAE, , script .
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