I need to extract large tables from our Azure data warehouse and move them to standalone Azure SQL databases. I was not able to get Data Factory to work fast enough for my scenario. I can get my tables in the Blob store from my data store through external tables. I cannot figure out how to create an external table in an Azure SQL database with an external data source in my Blob repository.
This is a format file, an external data source, and an external table used to get my table into memory storage:
CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT [DelimitedText] WITH ( FORMAT_TYPE = DELIMITEDTEXT, FORMAT_OPTIONS ( FIELD_TERMINATOR = N'~ΒΆ~', USE_TYPE_DEFAULT = False ), DATA_COMPRESSION = N'org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec') GO CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE [myDataSource] WITH ( TYPE = HADOOP, LOCATION = N'wasbs://<blob container>@<storage account>.blob.core.windows.net', CREDENTIAL = [myCredential]) GO CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE [dbo].[myTable] WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = [myDataSource] , LOCATION = N'MY_FOLDER/', FILE_FORMAT = [DelimitedText] ) AS SELECT * FROM dbo.mytable
The only external data source that I can create in an Azure SQL database is TYPE=SHARD_MAP_MANAGER
, is this correct or necessary? This link looks like I should be able to create an external data source using TYPE=HADOOP
, but I get the error "error near EXTERNAL". I also cannot create an EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT. Is this possible in an Azure SQL database?
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn935022.aspx#Examples: Azure SQL Database
Ultimately, I try to create an external table for my blob store, and then insert into the table in my Azure SQL database from this blob. Then remove the container.
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