Detect change in child component variable caused by parent angular 2

I have 2 files. app.ts and child.ts

I am sending a variable from the application to the child, and I want to detect any change in the variable and show the data accordingly. I cannot detect changes in a variable.

Any help? I plugged in Plunker Link and I also explained what I want to do in the Child.ts file in the comments

App.ts File

//our root app component import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core' import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser' import {ChildCom} from './child.ts' @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <div> <h2>Hello</h2> <child-com newdata={{data}}></child-com> </div> `, }) export class App { data: any = []; constructor(){ = [{"name":"control","status":"false"}]; } } @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule ], declarations: [ App, ChildCom ], bootstrap: [ App ] }) export class AppModule {} 

Child.ts file

 import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'child-com', template: ` <div> <p>Controls: {{newdata}}</p> </div> `, }) export class ChildCom { @Input() newdata: any = []; constructor(){ } // here I want to check if value of control in newdata variable is false // then display message on front end "your controls are not working" // if value of control in newdata variable is true // then display message on front end "your controls are working fine." // this should automatically happen whenever I change the value of newdata variable } 

Plunker link

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3 answers

Either you make a newData setter, or implement OnChanges

 export class ChildCom { private _newdata: any = []; @Input() set newdata(value) { // code here } } 
 export class ChildCom implements OnChanges { @Input() set newdata(: any = []; ngOnChanges(changes) { // code here } }



excellent, but only supports string values


supports all types of values.

Here is a link to the updated plnkr to explain the same thing,


Some code changes can do the same job.

1) provide newData as input and do not use interpolation to pass data to a child component.

 <child-com [newdata]="data"></child-com> 

2). Two easy ways to detect changes are ngOnChanges, as @Gunter suggests, or using rxjs. Observable Subscriber Model Lightweight, which is ngOnChanges. Here is your modified plunkr using the same.


You need to do the binding as follows:

 <child-com [newdata]="data"></child-com> 

These are really good resources for different methods of communication between components:

What you are looking for is: Pass data from parent to child with input binding



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