I have code that could not be compiled using JDK 7, but it can be compiled using JDK 8.
For abstract actual code:
interface A { ... } class B implements A { ... } public void AAA(List<A> list) {...} AAA(Collections.singletonList(new B()));
Collections.singletonList is defined as
public static <T> List<T> singletonList(T o) { return new SingletonList<>(o); }
So, as far as I know, based on generic, T will be inferred to B, so Collections.singletonList (new B ()) will be a List, which cannot be assigned to a List, since Java generic is invariant.
But with JDK 8 T is output to A and compilation succeeds.
I would like to know how T is displayed on A, since there are two variables for type T: A and B.
Is there a priority order? Or does the compiler find a common class of ancestors?
Attaching an official document is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
ps1. JDK version 7 is Oracle 1.7.0_79, and JDK version 8 is Oracle 1.8.0_66.
ps2. :
, , §18. Type Inference, , . , , :
Java SE 7 Edition Java® :- ., . ., .( ) ( )., , , , .( ) .. . , , .: .
Java SE 7 Edition Java® :
. , , , AAA .
, , AAA . List<A>. " ", , , (B) (A).
, ...
AAA(Collections.singletonList(new B())); // returns List<A> NOT List<B>
jdk-7 , T B, .
" " http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/generics/genTypeInference.html
Java SE 8. , , , , processStringList.
AAA A, , , AAA(), A, Java8 A over B ?
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