Watson Talk in a direct phone call

Can someone show me how to use Watson Conversation and other services (like Twilio) to make a live phone call and continue the conversation?

I can use Watson Conversation, Twilio and NodeRED to chat with me via SMS. I was also able to create Watson Conversation + Watson Speech-to-Text + Watson Text-to-Speech to create a conversation chat that I could talk to in a web browser.

Twilio gives me a phone # that I can use to make calls, so there should be a way to connect Watson Conversation + Speech-to-Text + Text-to-Speech + Twilio in order to have a live chat phone conversation.

Any examples you can point me to make this connection also useful.

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3 answers

in this case, the only example I've seen is a chatbot with Slack, Facebook, Twilio , etc. Botkit, SDK from Watson Developer Cloud , see this topic, please .. Botkit is a toolkit for creating bots.

Example if you want to connect to a conversation and Twilio:

var Botkit = require('botkit'); var controller = Botkit.twilioipmbot(); var bot = controller.spawn({ TWILIO_IPM_SERVICE_SID: process.env.TWILIO_IPM_SERVICE_SID, TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_API_KEY: process.env.TWILIO_API_KEY, TWILIO_API_SECRET: process.env.TWILIO_API_SECRET, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, identity: process.env.BOT_NAME, autojoin: true }); controller.hears(['.*'], 'message_received', function(bot, message) { bot.reply(message, message.watsonData.output.text.join('\n')); }); module.exports.controller = controller; module.exports.bot = bot; 

- How to do the integration here .

- Botkit (Github)

- one project with integration (example SLACK).


You can try the Voice Agent service with Watson, in Bluemix. This is experimental, but I think it is only a matter of time before this service moves to GA. And, since it is in an experimental state, it is free.



I don’t know if this can help you, but here is the integration with API.ai instead of Watson Bot. Voximal should support the connection of most ChatBot engines. Voximal supports its own STT and TTS (most Cloud APIs and, of course, Watson), you need to use VoiceXML syntax to add ChatBot interaction (you send recognized text and get a Text hint with a tag). Watson Bot should have similar interaction / integration.



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1014163/

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