Smoothing the std template function

I need to execute an alias std::getin order to improve readability in my code.

Sorry, I got a compile time error get<0> in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type. usingequivalently typedef, so he needs types to work. I use std::tupleto represent some data type:

using myFoo = std::tuple<int,int,double,string>;
using getNumber = std::get<0>;

I look at some of the previous questions, but the proposed solution is to wrap and use std::forward. I do not want to write such code for each member.

Is there a way around this using just using the keyword ?

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3 answers

, ?

, , std::get ( , ).
, , , std::get , .

, ++ 17 - :


using myFoo = std::tuple<int,int,double>;
constexpr auto getNumber = [](auto &&t) constexpr -> decltype(auto) { return std::get<0>(std::forward<decltype(t)>(t)); };

template<int> struct S {};

int main() {
    constexpr myFoo t{0,0,0.};
    S<getNumber(t)> s{};

, constexpr lambdas ( ), .

@T.C. , std::get, :

template<int N>
constexpr auto getFromPosition = [](auto &&t) constexpr -> decltype(auto) { return std::get<N>(std::forward<decltype(t)>(t)); };

, :

S<getFromPosition<0>(t)> s{};



using + an enum:


using myFoo = std::tuple<int,int,double>;

int main() {
    constexpr myFoo t{0,0,0.};
    enum { Number = 0 };
    using std::get;

    auto&& x = get<Number>(t);

, , , .

, DRY - . .


#include <tuple>
#include <iostream>

// simple example of a tagged value class
template<class Type, class Tag>
struct tagged
    constexpr tagged(Type t)
        : value_(t) {}

    operator Type&() { return value_; }

    operator Type const&() const { return value_; }

    Type value_;

struct age_tag {};
struct weight_tag {};
struct height_tag {};

using Age = tagged<int, age_tag>;
using Weight = tagged<int, weight_tag>;
using Height = tagged<double, height_tag>;

int main()
    constexpr auto foo1 = std::make_tuple(Age(21), Weight(150), Height(165.5));
    constexpr auto foo2 = std::make_tuple(Weight(150), Height(165.5), Age(21));
    using std::get;

    // note below how order now makes no difference

    std::cout << get<Age>(foo1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << get<Weight>(foo1) << std::endl;
    std::cout << get<Height>(foo1) << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\n";

    std::cout << get<Age>(foo2) << std::endl;
    std::cout << get<Weight>(foo2) << std::endl;
    std::cout << get<Height>(foo2) << std::endl;




tuple .

, 1 , tuple. struct Number.

( ), as_tie:

struct SomeType {
  int Number;
  std::string Chicken;

  auto as_tie() { return std::tie(Number, Chicken); }
  auto as_tie() const { return std::tie(Number, Chicken); }

SomeType tuple , someInstance.as_tie().

< == .. . , as_tie:

struct as_tie_ordering {
  template<class T>
  using enable = std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<as_tie_ordering, std::decay_t<T>>, int>;

  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator==(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() == rhs.as_tie();
  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator!=(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() != rhs.as_tie();
  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator<(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() < rhs.as_tie();
  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator<=(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() <= rhs.as_tie();
  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator>=(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() >= rhs.as_tie();
  template<class T, enable<T> =0>
  friend bool operator>(T const& lhs, T const& rhs) {
    return lhs.as_tie() > rhs.as_tie();


struct SomeType:as_tie_ordering {
  int Number;
  std::string Chicken;

  auto as_tie() { return std::tie(Number, Chicken); }
  auto as_tie() const { return std::tie(Number, Chicken); }

SomeTime a,b;
bool same = (a==b);

. , as_tie_ordering CRTP ; Koenig, .

ADL-based get

struct as_tie_get {
  template<class T>
  using enable = std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of<as_tie_get, std::decay_t<T>>, int>;

  template<std::size_t I, class T,
    enable<T> =0
  friend decltype(auto) get( T&& t ) {
    using std::get;
    return get<I>( std::forward<T>(t).as_tie() );

std::tuple_size , .

enable<T> =0 class=enable<T> MSVC, ++ 11.

You will notice above, I use tuple; but I use it in general. I convert my type to a tuple, then use tuple <to write mine <. This glue code relates to a tie as a common set of types. Used for this tuple.



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