After the valine matrix, the target vector should be consistent, since the target is only a directional axis.
In fact, your goal is not vec3 (0,150,150), then the goal is vec3 (0,0,150). You rotate it and then add vec3 (0,150,0). So think about it, vec3 (0,0,150) is always vec3 (0,0,150) if you rotate the z axis.
Yes, rotateM () multiplies the matrix you set and the matrix you set, so logically there are no problems.
public static void rotateM(float[] rm, int rmOffset, float[] m, int mOffset, float a, float x, float y, float z) { synchronized(sTemp) { setRotateM(sTemp, 0, a, x, y, z); multiplyMM(rm, rmOffset, m, mOffset, sTemp, 0); } public static void setRotateM(float[] rm, int rmOffset, float a, float x, float y, float z) { rm[rmOffset + 3] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 7] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 11]= 0; rm[rmOffset + 12]= 0; rm[rmOffset + 13]= 0; rm[rmOffset + 14]= 0; rm[rmOffset + 15]= 1; a *= (float) (Math.PI / 180.0f); float s = (float) Math.sin(a); float c = (float) Math.cos(a); if (1.0f == x && 0.0f == y && 0.0f == z) { rm[rmOffset + 5] = c; rm[rmOffset + 10]= c; rm[rmOffset + 6] = s; rm[rmOffset + 9] = -s; rm[rmOffset + 1] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 2] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 4] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 8] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 0] = 1; } else if (0.0f == x && 1.0f == y && 0.0f == z) { rm[rmOffset + 0] = c; rm[rmOffset + 10]= c; rm[rmOffset + 8] = s; rm[rmOffset + 2] = -s; rm[rmOffset + 1] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 4] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 6] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 9] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 5] = 1; } else if (0.0f == x && 0.0f == y && 1.0f == z) { rm[rmOffset + 0] = c; rm[rmOffset + 5] = c; rm[rmOffset + 1] = s; rm[rmOffset + 4] = -s; rm[rmOffset + 2] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 6] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 8] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 9] = 0; rm[rmOffset + 10]= 1; } else { float len = length(x, y, z); if (1.0f != len) { float recipLen = 1.0f / len; x *= recipLen; y *= recipLen; z *= recipLen; } float nc = 1.0f - c; float xy = x * y; float yz = y * z; float zx = z * x; float xs = x * s; float ys = y * s; float zs = z * s; rm[rmOffset + 0] = x*x*nc + c; rm[rmOffset + 4] = xy*nc - zs; rm[rmOffset + 8] = zx*nc + ys; rm[rmOffset + 1] = xy*nc + zs; rm[rmOffset + 5] = y*y*nc + c; rm[rmOffset + 9] = yz*nc - xs; rm[rmOffset + 2] = zx*nc - ys; rm[rmOffset + 6] = yz*nc + xs; rm[rmOffset + 10] = z*z*nc + c; } }
This android function rotateM () function is a combined version of these three matrices below
void Matrix_Rotation_X(Matrix &out_M,const float angle) { float COS = (float)cos(angle); float SIN = (float)sin(angle); out_M.s[_0x0_]= 1.f; out_M.s[_0x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_0x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_0x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x1_]= COS; out_M.s[_1x2_]= SIN; out_M.s[_1x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x1_]=-SIN; out_M.s[_2x2_]= COS; out_M.s[_2x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x3_]= 1.f; } void Matrix_Rotation_Y(Matrix &out_M, const float angle) { float COS = (float)cos(angle); float SIN = (float)sin(angle); out_M.s[_0x0_]= COS; out_M.s[_0x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_0x2_]=-SIN; out_M.s[_0x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x1_]= 1.f; out_M.s[_1x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x0_]= SIN; out_M.s[_2x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x2_]= COS; out_M.s[_2x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x3_]= 1.f; } void Matrix_Rotation_Z( Matrix &out_M, const float angle) { float COS = (float)cos(angle); float SIN = (float)sin(angle); out_M.s[_0x0_]= COS; out_M.s[_0x1_]= SIN; out_M.s[_0x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_0x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x0_]= -SIN; out_M.s[_1x1_]= COS; out_M.s[_1x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_1x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_2x2_]= 1.f; out_M.s[_2x3_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x0_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x1_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x2_]= 0.f; out_M.s[_3x3_]= 1.f; }