Folded Bar Graph of Grouped Values ​​in Pandas

I am trying to create a complex histogram of grouped values ​​using this code:


But I get this histogram without stacked bars.

enter image description here

How can I compile a histogram column without using matplotlib directly or iterating over groups?

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3 answers

The best way I've found so far is to create a new data file with groups:

 pd.DataFrame({'Non-Survivors': titanic.groupby('Survived').get_group(0).Age, 'Survivors': titanic.groupby('Survived').get_group(1).Age}) .plot.hist(stacked=True) 

enter image description here


This solution uses a bar chart instead of a histogram, but I think it gives you what you are looking for.

 titanic.groupby(['Survived', pd.cut(titanic['Age'], np.arange(0,100,10))])\ .size()\ .unstack(0)\ 

enter image description here


I defined a custom function that uses np.histogram
Also note that histogram groups are computed inside the 'Survived' groups

 def hist(x): h, e = np.histogram(x.dropna(), range=(0, 80)) e = e.astype(int) return pd.Series(h, zip(e[:-1], e[1:])) kw = dict(stacked=True, width=1, rot=45) titanic.groupby('Survived').Age.apply(hist).unstack(0)**kw) 

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