Constants for the AVCaptureMetadataOutput metadataObjectTypes property?

When using AVFoundation to detect functions (such as faces or barcodes) in an image, you must call a line, for example:

AVCaptureMetadataOutput *metadataOutput = ...;
metadataOutput.metadataObjectTypes = metadataOutput.availableMetadataObjectTypes;

Examining the available MetadataObjectTypes shows the following lines:


If I am writing a barcode scanning application, I do not want the framework to search for faces, so instead of transmitting, metadataOutput.availableMetadataObjectTypesI want to transfer specific barcodes for search. Instead of using these hard-coded strings, I was hoping they would be defined as constants somewhere.

Do they exist anywhere in the framework, or should I use string strings?

source share

-, AVMetadataMachineReadableCodeObject ( ).

, - :

metadataOutput.metadataObjectType = @[AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode, AVMetadataObjectTypeEAN13Code];


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