Best practices for branding NavBar in React-Bootstrap / React-Router-Bootstrap

There is a problem with anchor tags in React Bootstrap and React Router . I was curious how other people coped with the situation. You can simply leave the anchor tag with href, for example, <a href="/">Site Title</a> , and not use IndexLinkContainer . Also used is MenuItem, for example.

 <Navbar.Brand> <IndexLinkContainer to={{pathname: '/'}}> <MenuItem>TitleName</MenuItem> </IndexLinkContainer> </Navbar.Brand> 

However, this leaves a frightening point towards the left edge of the navigation bar. If anyone else has ideas on how to handle this, I would appreciate it.

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What I did (with LinkContainer from reaction-router-bootstrap):

  <LinkContainer to="/" style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}> <Navbar.Brand> <span style={{ width: 95 }}>Some text</span> <img src="somesrc" style={{ height:20, float:'right', marginLeft:10 }}/> </Navbar.Brand> </LinkContainer> 

Contains the name and logo of the site. There is no bullet, but I could not find a way to avoid using LinkContainer.



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