Install Composer - Internal Error

I have a problem installing Composer . After I chose the php.exe path in the wizard, and the next thing it shows is the error description below.

The specified PHP exe file does not execute correctly: D: \ wamp \ bin \ php \ php5.5.12 \ php.exe Starting from the command line may highlight the problem. Internal error [ERR_INVALID], exit code 1

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6 answers

I think this is the problem that was asked here.

composer does not install on Windows 7

I figured this out and successfully installed Composer on a Windows 10 PC.

I share two solutions here.

There are several steps you must follow to solve your problem.

1st decision.

  1. Find and open php.ini located in your "php" folder. In my case, it is in xampp, the file is in c:\xampp\php\
  2. Find "extension=php_openssl.dll"
  3. ";extension=php_openssl.dll" uncomment by removing the semicolon ";"
  4. Restart your xampp, now the extension should be loaded after that.
  5. Try again, now you can install the composer.

2nd solution (if the above solution did not work for you, go to the next.)

This works in my case.

  1. Find and open php.ini located in your "php" folder. In my case, it is in xampp, the file is in c:\xampp\php\
  2. Open SHELL from the Xampp launch pad by clicking on the shell button.
  3. Type php in the shell and press Enter
  4. If a warning message appears in your shell, similar to the image below: enter image description here
  5. Then you should fix this warning message by commenting out all of these extensions in your php.ini . (Actually, the reason for these warning messages is that these extensions are included several times, but you can comment it out in the php.ini to resolve the issue).

    For example, which in my case.

    a). You can see in the image above, there is a warning for twisting.

     Module 'curl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 . 

    b) To fix this, find the php_curl.dll file in your php.ini and comment on this extension by adding a semicolon ";" before this extension, like this ;extension=php_curl.dll

Follow the steps above if you have multiple alerts for each extension until you get a warning in your shell.

  1. Restart your xampp, now the extension should be loaded after that.
  2. Try again, now you can install the composer.

Hope I can solve your problem.

These are all people. Good coding !!! ( :-) ;-)


There are several steps you can take to solve your problem.

  • You can try changing extension_dir to xampp \ php \ php.ini in the full direction as: extension_dir = "E:\xampp\php\ext"
  • Install it manually Is there a way to install Composer globally on Windows? or you can do it using open XAMPP Shell and write this

    php -r "readfile('');" | php

  • Just set it to (section C :), I think it will work.

    I think that the problem in Windows8 and above does not allow Full resolution to use CMD.


You get this error because some dll file specified in php.ini is missing. To do this, follow these steps.

  • Open a command prompt and type php and press enter.

  • It will try to execute php and will generate warnings and errors. For example, in my case it was like this: Error

  • Now, based on the error, continue and comment on the extension (indicated in the command above) in the php.ini file. For example, in my case, I commented on the extension = php_mysql.dll to; extension = php_mysql.dll

  • Now try installing the composer again, it should work.

Note. . If you repeat the process again, perhaps in php.ini there are several extensions that create a problem in your case, but in cmd php can only give one error at a time.

Note. After you installed the composer, you can continue and uncomment the entire line that you commented on.


The next step you must take.

  • Go to C: // xampp / php
  • open php.ini and do a search for "openssl" (two searches can be found!)

; extension = php_openssl.dll

add the first comma first and try again to set the composer


This works for me.

  1. Go to Drive_name://xampp/php
  2. Open php.ini and find "" and "msql.dll"
  3. Change extension=msql.dll to ;extension=msql.dll and to ;


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