How to download the entire folder from Firebase Storage?

I want to download the entire folder from the Firebase repository. One file can be downloaded by receiving DownloadURL as follows. But it does not work for the folder.

var storageRef =; // Create a reference to the file we want to download var starsRef = storageRef.child(path); // Get the download URL starsRef.getDownloadURL().then(function(url) { // Insert url into an <img> tag to "download" ImageUrl = url; console.log(ImageUrl); }).catch(function(error) { switch (error.code) { case 'storage/object_not_found': // File doesn't exist break; case 'storage/unauthorized': // User doesn't have permission to access the object break; case 'storage/canceled': // User canceled the upload break; case 'storage/unknown': // Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response break; } }); 

How to download the entire folder from Firebase?

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2 answers

Firebase Storage does not have an API for downloading all files to a folder. You will have to upload files one at a time or create a zip file containing all the files.

on this topic:


There is currently no Firebase Storage API to list all the files in a folder. If you need this functionality, you should store the file metadata (for example, download URLs) in a place where you can list them. Firebase Realtime Database is ideally suited for this and allows you to also easily share URLs with others.

In our FriendlyPix example, you can find a good example (but somewhat involved). The corresponding code for the web version is here , but there are also versions for iOS and Android.

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