Using Azure Memory / Consumption

Can I see the memory usage / how many units of consumption you are currently using / historically for Azure features?

I am currently using a consumption plan for a function that processes messages from the service bus queue. Each message takes about 5 seconds to process, and typically several hundred messages per second are processed.

My fear is simply that at some point I will start to see outofmemoryExceptions without warning, although it would also be useful for me to get an idea of ​​the calculation before the invoice is issued.

I looked through the portal and all I found was an account of success and momentum (which never reports any data for my function. Although the graphs are drawn, they are always empty.)

There is also this blog post:

.. which, in essence, says that you no longer need to specify your memory cap, and if you use it within 1.5 GB, and your processing is under a 5-minute timeout, then life is good. Knowing how much room I had would be encouraging, though!

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1 answer

To get this information from the user interface, you first need to open the "Application Service" settings view for your functional application. enter image description here

The blade that appears has a chart on it. You can configure it to display the working set:

enter image description here

Then you can snap this chart to your main panel. In the future, you will also be able to retrieve this data using the common Monitor tab that has been added to the Azure portal.

Finally, you can also access this data programmatically - try using the MemoryWorkingSet label.



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