React native: how to get file size, mime type and extension?

I know react-native-fs and react-native-fetch-blob , but I miss the simple helper functions like getFileInfo(file) .

Desired pseudo code:

 let fileInfo = getFileInfo('path/to/my/file.txt'); console.log('file size: ' + fileInfo.size); console.log('mime type: ' + fileInfo.type); console.log('extension: ' + fileInfo.extension); 

What is the correct way to get file size, mime type and extension?

Thanks in advance!

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3 answers

To get the file size using response-native-fetch-blob, I used the following code

For this you need to install base-64

 var base64 = require('base-64'); RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile(filePath, 'base64') .then((data) => { var decodedData = base64.decode(data); var bytes=decodedData.length; if(bytes < 1024) console.log(bytes + " Bytes"); else if(bytes < 1048576) console.log("KB:"+(bytes / 1024).toFixed(3) + " KB"); else if(bytes < 1073741824) console.log("MB:"+(bytes / 1048576).toFixed(2) + " MB"); else console.log((bytes / 1073741824).toFixed(3) + " GB"); }) 


  • The above code decodes base64 data into a string such as atob ().
  • Next string search length
  • From this value I have to calculate the file size.

If the file is too large, use RNFetchBlob.fs.readStream instead of RNFetchBlob.fs.readFile

I get byte calculations from SO size conversion

The code may be too long to calculate the file size. If anyone finds the easiest way, advise me


You can get blob data using the reaction-native-fetch-blob and use action-native-mime types to get the extension

 const res = yield RNFetchBlob.config({fileCache: false}).fetch('GET', url, {}) const blob = yield res.blob().then((blob) => { mimetype.extension(blob.type) } ) 

With response-native-fetch-blob, you can get the file size using the code below:

 RNFetchBlob.fs.stat(PATH_OF_THE_TARGET) .then((stats) => {}) .catch((err) => {}) 

The response statistics contains the following information:

 { // file name filename : 'foo.png', // folder of the file or the folder itself path : '/path/to/the/file/without/file/name/', // size, in bytes size : 4901, // `file` or `directory` type : 'file', // last modified timestamp lastModified : 141323298 } 




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