What is a "task type" in gradle?

I can declare the type of the gradient task, and it seems to inherit some methods. For instance:

task myCopyTask(type: Copy){ from "foo" into "bar" } 

So, I think myCopyTask is an instance of class org.gradle.api.tasks.Copy , yes? And if I declare the task without any type, is it an instance of org.gradle.api.DefaultTask ? Sorry for the basic question. I read a graduation manual like this page, but I don’t understand what type: exactly.

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3 answers

Why not just add println and recognize yourself?

 task myCopyTask(type: Copy) { ... } println "Type is $myCopyTask.class.name" 

He already answered, but it can also help to understand.

These are subclasses of type Task . When you determine the type of your task, you get access to / configure / configure certain properties of the task. In your case, this is a subclass called Copy (as you already found out).

Note. Tasks are sent with various plugins or written by you.


To get the type of an existing task, you can use the built-in help Gradle with the help --task command line. The --task parameter accepts the task path for any task in the project. Here is an example with help :

 # ./gradlew help --task help > Task :help Detailed task information for help Path :help Type Help (org.gradle.configuration.Help) Options --task The task to show help for. Description Displays a help message. Group help 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1013584/

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