Finding API Gateway technology calling multiple microservices

At my company, we plan to transfer our internal solution, which is a huge monolith, to a sexier microservice architecture.

So far, we have compared many technologies, and we are likely to use the AWS infrastructure using AWS EC2 Container Services (ECS). Our microservices will be wrapped in Docker containers.

We have already deployed containers and set up automatic scaling and load balancing. Everything works great.

However, we are looking for API Gateway technology that allows us to call several microservices with only one request for the client.

The idea is to develop an architecture that looks like Netflix one:

For instance:

If the customer (website) wants to receive the customerโ€™s basket. It will send a Get request to the API.

Firstly, I would like our gateway to call a "user" microservice, which will return the user information and the list of identification product that contains its basket:

{ "name": "john", ...., "cart": [1,2,3] } 

Then, without going directly to the client, the gateway will call the microservice "product" to moisten Json with information about each product.

 { "name": "john", ...., "cart": [ {"id": 1, "name": "Iphone", ...}, {"id": 2, "name": "Ipad", ...}, {"id": 3, "name": "Ipod", ...} ] } 

So my question is: do you know a good technology that could do the job?

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1 answer

You would use AWS Lambda for this. Ask the API gateway to call the Lambda function. Ask the Lambda function to perform the steps you described by calling your ECS services, and then return the final result.



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