CSS jQuery Border

Ok, so I made a little script that I use to change the border of a div, but it doesn't seem to work

This is my code.

function changeBorderType(px, rr, gg, bb) { $("#colorBox").css({"border": px+"px "+ getBorderType() +" rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +");"}); console.log("border: " + px+"px "+ getBorderType() +" rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +");"); } 

The output that Iam gets from console.log is tho correct

border: 1px solid rgb (231,212,164);

But there are no effects on the page, the border does not change, or something as such.

I also tried checking the item to see if there are any changes or not, but it seems that there are no changes at all


Just to add, this is my current CSS (default one)

 #colorBox { width: 40%; height: 80%; background-color: rgb(0,0,0); display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid rgb(136,104,121); } 
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2 answers

Here is a fix based on your jsfiddle:

 var pixelsSet = 5; var red = 10; var green = 122; var blue = 155; changeBorderType(pixelsSet, red, green, blue); function changeBorderType(px, rr, gg, bb) { $("#box").css({"border": px+"px " +" solid "+ "rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +")"}); console.log("border: " + px+"px "+" solid "+" rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +")"); } 
 #box { width: 50px; height: 50px; background-color: red; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="box"> </div> 

Problems resolved:
1. At the end of the border value, an additional half-color was added.
2. After the border key there was extra space (it was border ).


The semicolon ( ; ) is not a valid css value. What do you have in your last meaning,

1px solid rgb (231,212,164);

So, your current code,

 "border": px+"px "+ getBorderType() +" rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +");" 

Update it,

 "border": px+"px "+ getBorderType() +" rgb("+ rr +","+ gg +","+ bb +")" 


 $(function() { var style1 = "1px solid rgb(231,212,164);"; var style2 = "1px solid rgb(231,212,164)"; $('#previousColorBox').css({ 'border': style1 }); $('#colorBox').css({ 'border': style2 }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="previousColorBox"> My Previous Color Box </div> <div id="colorBox"> My Color Box </div> 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1013500/

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