I have integrated PayPal Payment Standard a couple of years ago to receive payment.
My application is in Asp.Net. Now it is in sandbox mode.
I have a "Pay Now" button on my website, where PostBackURL to the PayPal website with all the necessary parameters. When a user clicks on a button, it redirects to PayPal, which their user can pay through their account or debit / credit card. And with a successful transaction, the user is sent back to my application. When the user returns to my application, I get various parameters, such as "payment_status" in the Request.Form collection. I check the response and show a success / failure message.
The above thread works fine when the user is in a browser on the desktop.
But when the user is on mobile devices and works with a mobile browser. The user has landed on the PayPal mobile phone page. There, the user pays at his own expense. A success message is then displayed. But when the user is redirected to my application, I do not get any values โโin the Request.Form collection. In this regard, I can not confirm the answer from PayPal.
Further, I found out that when on desktop browsers PayPal returns a response via the POST method to my site, therefore, Request.Form contains data.
Whereas in the case of mobile browsers, PayPal returns a response via the GET method, therefore Request.Form does not contain any data.
Why does PayPal return a response via GET? In this case, the data is not available even in the request, how can I check the answer, is the payment successful or not?
I read the documentation and he says there are no other specific settings for the PayPal mobile payment standard.
I do not want to switch to express order or any other configuration.
I also searched a lot of threads on SO related to them, and did not find a suitable solution that satisfies my need, therefore asking a new question.