I want to update the source tag in an HTML5 video element so that when I click the button, all playback switches to a new video.
I have a Clip component that returns an HTML5 video element, with the original URL provided through the details.
function Clip(props) { return ( <video width="320" height="240" controls autoPlay> <source src={props.url} /> </video> ) }
I also have a Movie component that contains several URLs, each of which corresponds to a section of the movie. It also contains the position attribute, which acts as an iterator, remembering which section is currently playing.
class Movie extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { sections: [ 'https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/vid1.mp4', 'https://my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/vid2.mp4' ], position: 0 }; } render() { const sections = this.state.sections const position = this.state.position return ( <div> {position} <Clip url={sections[position]} /> <button onClick={() => this.updatePosition()}>Next</button> </div> ) } updatePosition() { const position = this.state.position + 1; this.setState({ position: position }); } }
The Movie component displays the clip component and the Next button. When I click Next, I want to update the position attribute and redisplay the HTML5 video element using the following URL from the sections.
At the moment, when I click Next, the HTML5 video source tag is updated, but the item continues to play the video from the previous URL. Can someone help me figure out how to reset a video element?
Update: I created a JSFiddle, which you can see here .
Update 2: Update the src attribute on the video element!
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