Removing commercial components for Oracle Java SE

Consistent with this news - Oracle is finally targeting Java payers - six years after Sun's showdown . Some Oracle Java SE components require an additional license for commercial use. Here are the key features of Oracle Java SE Advanced and Suite Products:

  • Java Mission Management (JMC) - ships with the JDK
  • Java Flight Recorder (JFR) - shipped with JRE
  • The Java Advanced Management Console (AMC) is an EAR and requires additional installation.
  • Enterprise JRE Installer for Microsoft Installer (MSI)
  • Java usage tracking (JUT). According to overview , it ships with a JRE

I want to remove these commercial components in order to prevent a possible license issue. This is what I do so far. For JMC, I delete $JDK_HOME/lib/missioncontrol/* and execute $JDK_HOME/bin/jmc.exe . A dialog box appears with this message:

The Jmc executable could not find its shared library.

I also delete $JDK_HOME/bin/jmc.exe and $JDK_HOME/bin/jmc.ini .

For JFR, I $JRE_HOME/bin/jfr.dll , $JRE_HOME/lib/jfr.jar , $JRE_HOME/lib/jfr/* and run java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder pkg.MyTest to verify. JVM does not start, the following message is displayed:

Error initializing virtual machine
Failed to start backend trace.

My questions:

  • How to remove Java Usage Tracker (JUT) ? I do not know where the component is.
  • Do I need to delete other files for JMC and JFR?
  • For Oracle Java SE, is there any other component or file?
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1 answer

You do not need to remove these components. Until you explicitly allow them, you are perfectly fine.

See the Java Champion explanation in this registry entry.



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