My team is working on a custom TFS / VSTS build task that uses vsts-task-lib .
We followed the instructions on this github page to include it in your custom task.
I have vsts-task-lib installed locally for interactive testing, and this works fine. I can get the extension downloaded and installed in my account / VSTS project.
However, when I build everything and execute Release on VSTS, I get the following:
I am using vsts-task-lib v0.8.0, and the root file of my task is as follows:
|-- apprendaDeploy <task root> |----- ps_modules |----- VstsTaskSDK |----- 0.8.0 |------ <corresponding sdk files, including VstsTaskSdk.psd1> |----- common.ps1 |----- deploy.ps1 |----- icon.png |----- task.json
Any ideas?
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