Numbering Equation in Jupyter Laptops

The fact is that in the official Jupyter documentation - motivating examples are worth

Numbering and links to equations will be available in a future version of the Jupyter laptop.

I know that there are a lot of discussions in this topic. There are some people who claim to have solved this problem with some workarounds.

But for the average user it is difficult to understand workarounds, or how dirty / useful hacks really are.

So my questions are:

  • What does "available in a future version" mean? Does it mean something like “new month / year” or something like “probably never, because it's too impossible”?

  • Is any of the workarounds provided on the Internet safe for human consumption? I mean, is it worthy? Since you can use Sphinx or something else to create tutorials, this will be more work, but will there be more work to implement some hacks, install plugins, etc.?

Note. To some, this may seem like a question requiring an answer based on an opinion, but I'm sure it is not. Any advice can help me (or other users) make a good / bad decision.

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2 answers

I believe that almost all the information related to this issue can be found in this long Github thread .

The conversation there continues (at the moment) for 3.5 years and is still active. Important points:

  • You can very easily enable numbering by executing a cell with the following contents:

    %%javascript MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "AMS" } } }); 
  • There is an extension for numbering equations.

  • The developer of minrk suggested that this extension is the right approach and can be combined with master (but functionality will be disabled by default).

To install the extension via pip :

 pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions 

To install extensions through Anaconda :

 conda install -c conda-forge jupyter_contrib_nbextensions 

After using one of the installation methods mentioned above, enable the extension:

 jupyter contrib nbextension install --user jupyter nbextension enable equation-numbering/main 

Go to the Jupyter Notebook editor (I'm using Anaconda now), the Edit menu, the last item is "nbextensions config". A page will open where you can see a list of extensions, one of which is "Automatic numbering of equations." Turn it on and restart the laptop. You will see that a button to reset the numbering of equations appears at the top of your laptop. You will need to press this button from time to time.



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