PayPal Express Security Control with Aylax

The new paypal check makes me feel insecure, can the user initiate a fake payment on the chiller side?

The presented code is as follows

paypal.Button.render({ env: 'sandbox', client: { sandbox: 'AapGZeCaaDK_q_KPeG19DHnD_kd18vr6BxNe4P6uuhfTKPjIedtNEI9plyDgmzfyI-xGhbxjpv0k-Ha9', production: 'xxxxxxxxx' // u expose the key to client side? is this ok? }, payment: function() { var env = this.props.env; var client = this.props.client; return, client, { transactions: [{ amount: { total: ($scope.number_of_uses * 9) + '.00' , currency: 'USD' }, item_list: { items: [{ "name": "example", "quantity": $scope.number_of_uses, "price": "9.00", "currency": "USD" }] } }], redirect_urls: { "return_url": $location.absUrl(), "cancel_url": $location.absUrl() } }); }, onAuthorize: function(data, actions) { return actions.payment.execute().then(function() { actions.payment.get().then(function(data){ // here I will save data detail to db to record sales // $http something something }); }); } }, '#paypal-button'); 

In the strip, I have to transfer the token to the back, and then check this token on my server side, if everything starts recording sales normally. But in paypal, it seems that this is the only thing I need to implement in order to have an express check. Is it even safe?

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2 answers

You are correct that it is not safe to update your database. This is a secure payment method, however, you cannot verify with the customer that the payment was successful, and then update the database using the onAuthorize method.

To verify that the payment was successful for your database, you should use the server side REST API . Unfortunately, this is not enough for PayPal documents, but there are SDKs that are much more documented and easier to implement. ( Shortcut for Node SDK ).

I would recommend that you use them to implement updates in your database. PayPal returns a parameter that indicates that the payment was successful.


I ran into a problem. I believe this is not safe, since your codes in the onAuthorize () method are open to the public. Someone can definitely run these codes without payment.

What a bad architecture in Paypal. Disappointed!



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