I follow this guide to integrate OneDrive sdk into my project. The next steps indicated in the document,
- Installation (Done)
Beginning of work
2.1 Register your application (Done)
2.2 Configure permissions for the links in the Xcode project (Done)
2.3 Obtaining an Authenticated ODClient ( Authentication Error )
Since my application is for OneDrive for Business. This is my challenge
[ODClient setActiveDirectoryAppId:"ONE_DRIVE_BUSINESS_CLIENT_ID" redirectURL:@"REDIRECT_URI"]];
I get this error
Error with code: 15 Domain: ADAuthenticationErrorDomain ProtocolCode: access_denied Details: AADSTS65005: The list of required access resources of the application "xxx" does not contain applications that can be found using https://api.office.com/discovery/ . Trace ID: xxx Correlation ID: xxx Internal Error Information: Domain Error = ADAuthenticationErrorDomain Code = 15 "(null)"
when querying ODClient,
[ODClient clientWithCompletion:^(ODClient *client, NSError *error){ }];
I tried removing authentication from the redirect url, but still getting the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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