Vuforia target is white (not showing my image target)

When I import an image from Vuforia Target Manager into my Unity3d, I get a white outline instead of the image I uploaded.

My Vuforia Ver: 6.1.17 My Unity3d Ver: 5.5.0f3 Personal

I followed the instructions here

but he still did not work. Is there a problem with the vuforia website because the image it gave is white when viewed in the Unity3d IDE.

Image seen in unity3d

Image uploaded to Vuforia Target Manager

Please, help.

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4 answers

Go to Assets> Editor> QCAR> ImageTargetTextures> (YourDB). Choose Image> click the settings icon in the Inspector panel ...... click Reset

Click here for more information.

Hope this works out ....


I also encountered this problem recently after updating Unity 5.2.2 to 5.5.1. Initially, I thought it was a Vuforia software bug and replaced it with an earlier version of Vuforia, but was not used. But the application will track the image. The problem is version 5.5. I downgraded to 5.2.2 for some other reasons and now it shows the target image as earlier


You do not need to downgrade or modify any software changes inside Unity.

I ran into the same problem and decided to solve it in a simple way. I have done this:

Changed image texture type on Sprite (2D and UI). The file path for the following will be:

  • Change texture type to Sprtie (2D and UI)

I am using the latest version of Unity 2018.3.11 and Vuforia 7.x. I do not think this is a mistake. It could just be a very bad design. Not to mention that their documentation is very limited when it comes to cloud storage!

I assume that the debugging process before scaling will be trial and error.



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