How to copy payload request in Chrome on Mac?

Recently, I can’t copy the processed request payload from Chrome DevTools. The button is disabled. I can copy a regular POST and GET request, but not a parsed JSON payload.

Chrome Request Payload - view parsed

This is a huge pain in ... Does anyone know a solution for this?

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2 answers

Came to your question having the same problem.

My solution: select the text with the mouse pointer and make sure that you do not select more than all the content, and then try again.

I selected more than the contents by triple clicking on it, and it did not allow me to copy, possibly an error in chrome.


Similar to what @NickBrady said:

  • Click on the item you want in the network tab.
  • Click the Response tab.
  • Copy answer
  • In the console console of the Chrome copy(JSON.parse('{paste the response}')) [press enter] NOTE: You must wrap the answer in quotation marks for JSON.parse () to work.
  • A fairly formatted version of the response is now in your clipboard. Paste it where you need it. :)


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