Best way to use BufferedReader in Kotlin

So I just started using Kotlin for Android and converted my Android codes to Kotlin.

In one of the conversions, I came across a BufferedReader, which I usually write in Java as follows:

String result = ""; String line = ""; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(someStream); while ( (line = reader.readLine()) != null ) { result += line; } 

But in Kotlin it seems that Kotlin does not allow me to assign values ​​to variables in conditions.

Currently, I have written code as follows:

 val reader = BufferedReader(someStream) var line : String? = "" while (line != null) { line = reader.readLine() result += line } 

which I do not find so elegant and a feeling of foreboding, despite the use of Kotlin.

What would be the best way to use BufferedReader in Kotlin?

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6 answers

You can use bufferedReader so

 val allText = inputStream.bufferedReader().use(BufferedReader::readText) 

If you still want to read it one at a time, you can use some extension functions from std lib and do it like this:

 val reader = someStream.bufferedReader() val iterator = reader.linesSequences().iterator() while(iterator.hasNext()) { val line = // do something with line... } reader.close() 

or alternatively using a “functional” approach:

 val reader = someStream.bufferedReader() reader.useLines { { line -> // do something with line } } 

using useLines, you do not need to explicitly close the reader, the extensionLines extensions function will do it for you!

Just add them for reference .. cheers


Thanks to the link of Juan Gonçalves to stdlib, I discovered that you can use forEachLine to bypass the reader if necessary.


use this code

     val input = conn.inputStream
     val allText = input.bufferedReader (). use (BufferedReader :: readText)
     val result = StringBuilder ()                   

     result.append (allText)
     return result.toString ()

     } else {

     return "unsuccessful"



Another way is to use a for loop:

 val reader = BufferedReader(someStream) for (line in reader.lines()) { println(line) } 

Although this is not as short as the accepted answer, it will allow you to execute a loop and execute some kind of logic without accumulating everything in one line, as shown below

 val allText: String = inputStream.bufferedReader().use(BufferedReader::readText) 

You can also try using the "forEachLine" method.

 val file = File("./folder/test.txt") file.bufferedReader().forEachLine { println("value = $it") } 

it will also automatically close the stream after reading the last line

fun Reader.forEachLine (action: (String) -> Unit)
Iterates over each line of this reader, invokes an action for each read line, and closes the reader after it is completed.



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