I just installed the latest Git (1.9.5), and suddenly it tells me that my working tree is not clean (changes are not organized), but I do not see any changes in any of my files in any diff tool (I tried to create Tortoise and Visual Studio). When I run the Git status, it says:
Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: inc/i_lab_orders.asp modified: lab_order_list.asp modified: slib/lab_order_lib.asp
However, the Git GUI diff tool tells me that all lines are changed, but I do not see any difference. Similarly with Git bash diff.
Running git reset --hard
doesn't help at all - the command runs without any problems, but in the end I still have the same “modified” files.
UPDATE: core.autocrlf is false, core.fileMode is also false. I also noticed that the files that are reported to be modified are exactly those that were committed in the last commit.
I am on Windows.
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