How to configure Julia in VS code?

I come from pure Windows Visual Studio software with little experience with Linux. Apparently, you can use VS Code for programming in Julia, but I can't figure out how to properly set things up.

Does anyone have a good example of launch.json , tasks.json or other files that can serve as an example for building from?

It would be great to see in a detailed tutorial.

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1 answer

Here's how it works if you use the Julia extension for VisualStudio code.

The extension adds a bunch of new commands. They all start with "julia", so filtering with this line should show you everything you can do with the extension.

In terms of running Julia code, the extension offers only two options right now. First, you can execute the command to run REPL. This will just show the default Julia prompt, and you can interact with it like any other Julia REPL. Secondly, there is also a command initiated by Ctrl + Enter to send either the current editor selection or the current editor line to this REPL.

There is currently no additional integration offered by the Julia extension. We plan to add debugger support in the future, after which I expect F5 to run the current file in the debugger or something like that. But this functionality is probably a few months away.



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