Debugging Dot Net Website as a Domain Ordinary User

We are developing an project, an API, and an MVC project using Visual Studio. Currently, the system we use uses a local administrator account. Now we map it to the domain user (regular user). However, some features are not supported by Visual Studio when we do such things ... important ...

  • Debugging applications running under a different user account, such as ASP.NET websites.
  • Deploy a web application to Internet Information Services (IIS) on a local computer.

Check MSDN Doc here

Please note that deployment in IIS is not a problem for us, however we cannot debug the application and this is a real transaction breaker here!

I would like to know how to do debugging for websites when using a normal user with a domain.

I know this is not a programming issue. However, it seems that most programmers with network points are affected by this, and I donโ€™t know where to turn for help, so post it here. (Suggest if any other site is suitable for this!)

Thank you for your help.

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1 answer

The simple answer, as mentioned in this MSDN document and this SO question , is that you cannot.

Perhaps this will be possible with the help of roundabout paths, such as changing the credentials that the working IIS, application pool, and related processes run as, but even if it were possible, it would not be supported and most likely would not be worth it . Here are two very old articles on the topic:

This may be more feasible if you can run your application in OWIN ( Wikipedia ) running in an alternative (for IIS) host.



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