Add to cart does not work with sub store in magento

I created multi-user mode using this link with a link.

My site works fine by default , but Add to Cart doesn’t work in my secondary repository , it returns error 302.

enter image description here

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2 answers

The problem is that cookies are not stored in your sub store ( ).

enter image description here

Your site stores cookies by default. enter image description here

Check your cookie settings in magento.


The plaz also refers to these steps :
We needed to set "System"> "Configuration"> "Web"> "URL parameters", change "Add store code" to "Yes". Then we were able to initialize Mage :: app () in the correct repository code, and the URL to add to the cart is then correctly routed to the product site.


Javascript error. Most likely, the problem is due to a javascript error on your page. If you don't have javascript errors, you need to find a couple more things.

Save URL. Access to the site can be obtained through the address:, as well as If you install your store as, then if you will access your store through, adding to the basket will not work on the main page. So here may be the root of the problem.

Mixed domains: Make sure your product page is in the same domain as the Magento installation. Problems with SSL certificates: SSL errors can be caused by improper environment settings, a bad server certificate, connection problems, certificate expiration, etc.

Server side issues. . Your hosting provider (especially if you use shared hosting) can implement any changes that lead to reduced functionality. How to fix

Here are some tips and tricks on how to fix this and make store sales again.

  • You can redirect from to or vice versa.
  • Also try this method: System-> Configuration-> WEB-> Cookie Session. Set Cookie Lifetime to: 86400. Then clear the entire cache. The decision depends on which case applies to you.


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