Firebase Storage provides StorageException when trying to load images

I am trying to upload images to a new firebase storage service. It throws a StorageException

E / StorageException: A StorageException event has occurred. An unknown error has occurred, check the HTTP result code and the internal exception for the server response. Code: -13000 HttpResult: 400

E / StorageException: server terminated the download session server terminated the download session at (Unknown source) at (Unknown source) at (Unknown source) at $ (Unknown source) in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExe cutor.runWorker ( in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor $ ( in (

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In google firebase, this type of StorageException usually caused by an incorrect StorageReference .

 FirebaseStorage storage = FirebaseStorage.getInstance(); StorageReference storageRef = storage.getReferenceFromUrl("gs://<your-bucket-name>"); // Create a reference to "file" StorageReference mountainsRef = storageRef.child("file.jpg"); 

Make sure the file link is correct.

Documentation Confirmation

Details on creating a repository link can be found here.

Details on storage exception codes can be found here for further references.


I also got the same exception, but went through it just by granting storage permission to the application from:

Settings> Applications> {My application}> Permissions> Enable storage

The above part can also be done through Java code, I found out about this in the Android Marshmallow tutorial. Also, be sure to declare the permission for INTERNET and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in the Android manifest file. However, if you still get an exception, try updating your playback services as well.


In the Firebase console, go to the storage tab on the left. Go to the Rules tab and set a rule for everyone. Use the following code to set it up for sharing.

 service { match /b/{bucket}/o { match /{allPaths=**} { allow read, write; } } } 

This is good for testing purposes, however you must protect your database connection using user authentication.


Today I faced the same problem.


Enable anonymous authentication in the firebase console.


Do not forget to add

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> 

In your AndroidManifest.xml


I ran into the same problem. I deleted the existing file, downloaded it again from the Firebase console, and added it to my project. Now it works successfully.


I ran into this problem when I did not create a link folder / bucket in the Firebase repository. Unlike the Firebase database, I think (I'm not sure yet) that the link to the repository will not create a bucket if it does not exist in the first place. So, first create a folder, and then try again.

  • Begin by checking to see if you have granted Internet permission in your manifest.

  • Check if you are allowed the correct authorization permission to write to the repository on the Rules tab of your repository.

  • Try Logging a link to Firebase Storage , as well as the File you are trying to download. Check to see if it works the same as the Firebase project you are running in a browser.

In my case, the configuration of the project was wrong, which is pretty much the first thing we do in the project. But hey! This is better than skipping on ";"


This parsed me , not a single line of code change;) All I had to do was update the firebase-storage library. In my case, it was '' and after updating to '' all over again '' ok.



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