Jack compilation stuck with AndroidStudio 2.3

I updated my AndroidStudio today to the latest stable version 2.3 (with gradle plugin 2.3.0 and gradle 3.3): now I can’t create my own project that worked perfectly under AndroidStudio 2.2.3.

When I try, I am stuck in: app: transformJackWithJackForDebug until I kill my Java platform process.

This is the same problem that this post is, I think, but on a stable release.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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3 answers

I killed many hours for the same problems, after which I got a link and its work is excellent in the end.

To use Retrolambda, add a few dependencies.

  • depends on your build.gradle file.

    classpath 'me.tatarka: gradle -retrolambda: 3.2.0'

  • Add dependency to app / build.gradle file.

    apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda'

  • Please clean your build and run. it will work fine.

See below for more details.

all the best.


With Android Studio 3.0 (plugin 3.0), they recommend disabling the Jack compiler as it is deprecated.


I had a very similar problem. Im using gradle plugin 2.3.0 and jack compiler. It will not be able to compile and hang only when I create it through Jenkins on the Ubuntu 16.04.2 box. My Windows 10 development machine is very easy to compile.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012683/

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