What is the best way to implement ACL / paper using angular 2?
My scenario, in a nutshell, is this: roles are dynamic and based on permissions that the client can configure, which can also be dynamic.
I need to prevent the user from having access to a specific resource for which he is not authorized to do. For this, I thought about using the Angular Guards concept. With CanActivate Guard, I could set whether to allow the user to pass or not based on the information that I would put on each route. This information will be the name of the resource to which this route belongs. When I got to the guard, I was able to compare his role and see if his role has access to this function and whether its navigation allows.
But with this, two more problems may fall:
1 - How to redirect the user to a resource to which he has access? Should I list the route files and look for someone who is compatible with his role and then redirect there?
2 - How to disable components that he cannot see on pages that he can access? For example, he has access to the list X page, but she does not have access to create a new item, so I need to remove the "Create something" button. Rather, how to do this with divs that contain certain information for some roles, but not for its role?
I would like to know how best to approach this scenario in the angular ecosystem.
Thank you for listening.
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