Google Cast App without Internet

Can I run Cast apps on Chromecast without Internet access on my local network only? Maybe with your own web server. For the showcase event, I cannot provide Internet access. The use case is for demonstration purposes only.


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As of early February 2015, Chromecast requires an Internet connection to stream even local content (i.e. from your computer via your Wi-Fi).

The reason is that to facilitate multimedia playback, special code (Javascript) is launched directly from Google servers. Why can't Google just upload this code directly to Chromecast once? I believe that this is due to security, among other reasons (some pleasant and some not very pleasant)

Certificate? My internet goes down all the time, interrupting everything I do.


As Leon says, “casting requires Internet access time. Downloading (I didn’t know this!) And allow the AppID for the recipient URL. After the listing has the download URL and resolves the hostname in the URL to IP address, it no longer requires the Internet IF everything is configured correctly on the local subnet.

For example, I develop applications for home applications. Suppose I registered my application and the user recipient associated with it is located in (or in the host name that allows public DNS for private IP, which I actually use, is the host name).

Then, if my application needs to load other media, it can refer to it either by the already resolved host name, or by IP, served again from the host in

It sounds a bit like you don’t know how to set up and interact with a private network and a web server, which is really not a Chromecast problem.

For me, if I had to make a demonstration of Chromecast (for example) on the client’s site and was not sure of the network situation, I would install Chromecast to use the private Wi-Fi network provided by my mobile phone and all the web resources necessary for work from my laptop, again configured on a private Wi-Fi network. Again, this is not really a "throw programming problem."


I have the following setting for transferring from my PC to the chromosphere using a mobile wireless connection.

  • ChromeCast → Local Router → PC with PDANet → USB, connect to a mobile phone with the FoxFi application installed.

Mostly I have a PC and ChromeCast connected to the new wifi router ($ 25 from Belkin from Walmart). Initially, Chromecast yells at you because there is no internet connection. To kill ChromeCast complaints, just install FoxFi on your mobile phone and PDANet on your computer. I connected them via USB because the hot spot function does not work with my carrier.

Once the connection is established, you should see 2 connections on your PC, and you can use them on the Chromecast PC. Watching netflix on it right now. Not tested yet from another device.


-FoxFi on Samsung Galaxy S4
-PDANet on PC / Laptop

- Samsung Galaxy S4 → PC (via USB in my case)
- PC → Local Router
- Chromecast → Local Router

You will see 2 connections on your PC. A PDANet connection with Internet access and a local router without Internet access.

Also note that I originally installed chromecast on my main Wi-Fi with internet access. There are no problems, but just in case you are trying to get this method to work, but it is not there, maybe try setting it up on a router with inet access first, then switch to a non-integrated router.


Chromecast requires an Internet connection when downloading and downloading receiver applications. Your media content may come from the local web server after downloading the recipient application.



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