The request did not have an FCM authentication token

I am trying to use the firebase mail service url but it gives me an error. I installed everything, but it still gives me an error.

Here is the error I get from the postman

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>The request was missing an Authentification Key (FCM Token). Please, refer to section &quot;Authentification&quot; of the FCM documentation, at</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000"> <H1>The request was missing an Authentification Key (FCM Token). Please, refer to section &quot;Authentification&quot; of the FCM documentation, at</H1> <H2>Error 401</H2> </BODY> </HTML> These things I am adding <br/> url = ''<br/> method = POST<br/> Headers <br/> Authorization = 'FIREBASE_SERVER_API_KEY'<br/> Content-Type = application/json<br/> Body = "{"registration_ids":["ids"],"priority":"high\",\"data\":{\"notification_id\":76,\"title\":\"dvxcv\",\"description\":\"xcvxv\",\"image\":\"/uploads/image/image/37513/Screenshot_from_2016-10-17_10_43_59.png\"}}" 
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2 answers

All you have to do first in the title
Authorization: key = 'FIREBASE_SERVER_API_KEY'

And you are having trouble parsing json, you need to remove '/'


Edit For any confusion, follow my guide on how to integrate firebase with ruby ​​on rails.


Under the headings, authorization: key = AAAA .....

ADD "key =" before the Firebase server key token !!!



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