H2: Unsupported version of database file or invalid file header in file

As I read the header, I try to open the .h2.db file using DataGrip on MacOS . However, I keep getting the error

 Unsupported database file version or invalid file header in file 

With error code


How to check the actual version of the database file and how to get the correct driver files (?)?

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1 answer

Try connecting to a database tool, such as SQuirreL, in your database and doing SELECT H2VERSION() FROM DUAL or select value from information_schema.settings where name = 'info.VERSION'; to get the actual version.

Perhaps this link on how to update the h2 database may also be useful: How to check if an update to the h2 database is required?

One more thing: your database may be corrupted. You can try to recover data using the recovery tool http://www.h2database.com/html/advanced.html#using_recover_tool or check the database for corruption. How to check the condition and damage of the h2 database


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012543/

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