Step 3. User curve d3.js

I am working on graph d3.js.v4 with x and y axis and I need your help.


xAxis scales linearly with a path on it like this image. round corner on d3.curveStep

I am stuck here and cannot find a solution for creating a path, as in this image a path with a rounded corner

This is my code for the line function.

// the path generator for the line chart line = d3.line() .x(function(d, i) { return xScale(i); }) .y(function(d, i) { return yScale(d); }) .curve(d3.curveStep); 

I tried with a cardinal, monotonous and feline, but could not archive the desired path.

Is it possible to round corners on d3.curveStep?

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1 answer

I finally found something to get back to this question. This is a great opportunity to implement a custom curve . I essentially stole the d3.curveStepBefore source code and was modified to suit your requirements.

 function Step(context, t) { this._context = context; this._t = t; } Step.prototype = { areaStart: function() { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function() { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function() { this._x = this._y = NaN; this._point = 0; }, lineEnd: function() { if (0 < this._t && this._t < 1 && this._point === 2) this._context.lineTo(this._x, this._y); if (this._line || (this._line !== 0 && this._point === 1)) this._context.closePath(); if (this._line >= 0) this._t = 1 - this._t, this._line = 1 - this._line; }, point: function(x, y) { x = +x, y = +y; switch (this._point) { case 0: case 0: this._point = 1; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(x, y) : this._context.moveTo(x, y); break; case 1: this._point = 2; // proceed default: { var xN, yN, mYb, mYa; if (this._t <= 0) { xN = Math.abs(x - this._x) * 0.25; yN = Math.abs(y - this._y) * 0.25; mYb = (this._y < y) ? this._y + yN : this._y - yN; mYa = (this._y > y) ? y + yN : y - yN; this._context.quadraticCurveTo(this._x, this._y, this._x, mYb); this._context.lineTo(this._x, mYa); this._context.quadraticCurveTo(this._x, y, this._x + xN, y); this._context.lineTo(x - xN, y); } else { var x1 = this._x * (1 - this._t) + x * this._t; xN = Math.abs(x - x1) * 0.25; yN = Math.abs(y - this._y) * 0.25; mYb = (this._y < y) ? this._y + yN : this._y - yN; mYa = (this._y > y) ? y + yN : y - yN; this._context.quadraticCurveTo(x1, this._y, x1, mYb); this._context.lineTo(x1, mYa); this._context.quadraticCurveTo(x1, y, x1 + xN, y); this._context.lineTo(x - xN, y); } break; } } this._x = x, this._y = y; } }; stepRound = function(context) { return new Step(context, 0.5); }; stepRoundBefore = function(context) { return new Step(context, 0); }; stepRoundAfter = function(context) { return new Step(context, 1); }; 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script data-require=" d3@4.0.0 " data-semver="4.0.0" src=""></script> </head> <body> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { var width = 500, height = 500, N = 10; var svg ='body') .append('svg') .attr('width', width) .attr('height', height); var points = []; for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { points.push({ x: (width / N) * i + (width / N / 2), y: Math.random() * height }); } var line1 = d3.line() .x(function(d) { return dx; }) .y(function(d) { return dy; }) .curve(stepRound); var line2 = d3.line() .x(function(d) { return dx; }) .y(function(d) { return dy; }) .curve(d3.curveStep); svg.append('path') .datum(points) .attr('d', line1) .attr('fill', 'none') .attr('stroke', 'orange') .attr('stroke-width', '3px'); svg.append('path') .datum(points) .attr('d', line2) .attr('fill', 'none') .attr('stroke', 'steelblue') .attr('stroke-width', '1px'); }); </script> </body> </html> 


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