Android Studio: breakpoint in static interface method not working

Android Studio does not stop at strings in a static interface method.

Example: see the getFilteredNotes method in the interface of the Explorer project (version 0.9.3 ):

 public interface Utils { // some lines removed for readability static List<Note> getFilteredNotes(AppState appState) { List<Note> notes = appState.notes(); NotesFilter filter = appState.filter(); return filter(ConsPStack.from(notes), note -> filter == NotesFilter.ALL || filter == NotesFilter.CHECKED && note.checked || filter == NotesFilter.UNCHECKED && !note.checked); } 

when I convert an interface to a class, it works:

 public class Utils 

Why do breakpoints not work on the interface?

More details:

  • Android Studio 2.2.2 Version
  • Virtual Device: Nexus_6_API_25.avd
    • Android: 7.1.1
    • CPU: x86
  • setting minifyEnabled=false to build debugging did not help
  • project uses retrolambda
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