What is the advantage or difference of initialization:
lazy var hintView: HintView = { let hintView = HintView() return hintView }()
Instead of simple use:
var hintView = HintView()
( HintView : class HintView: UIView {} )
class HintView: UIView {}
Help is greatly appreciated.
There are several advantages of a lazy property over a stored property.
Do it practically. See screenshot
I just stopped the debugger in viewDidLoad . You can see that secondHintView has memory since it was not lazy for storage, but hintView is still nil as it is lazy > one. Memory is allocated after use / access to lazy variables.
Also lazy should always be var.
A lazy stored property is calculated only the first time it is accessed.
This is var , not let , because this value is not initialized during the initialization process. It is calculated later. Therefore, for a lazy stored property, there must be variable , not constant .
lazy var hintView: HintView = { let hintView = HintView() return hintView }() let h = hintView
In the above code, each time the hintView is hintView , the closure assigned to hintView is executed, and the value is returned and stored in h .
For more information, refer to:
Fast lazy stored property versus regular stored property when using closure
In some cases, using lazy vars can be faster because they are only calculated once when you first access them.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012481/More articles:Publishing with Visual Studio 2017 MVC ASP.NET Core "They Must Have the Same Number of Elements" - asp.net-core-mvcFileStream / StreamWriter in .NET Core 1.1 does not have a Close () method - c #constructor does not introduce a C # function - functionElisp: how can I express else-if - lispHow to find out what works in a Jupyter laptop? - pythonFast lazy storage compared to regular stored property when using closure - closuresEF Core Scaffold DbContext - .netAndroid Studio: breakpoint in static interface method not working - java"unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure" flag does not work in Chrome - google-chromeSQLAlchemy (ORM) versus raw SQL queries - pythonAll Articles