F # pointer access element

Is there a way to access the members of the NativePtr structure and assign values ​​to them, just as you can in C # in the example below?

(from MSDN)

CoOrds* p = &home; p -> x = 25;

I am currently using NativePtr.write , however I am not sure if this is the best / correct solution.


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1 answer

How you described is the clearest way to do this, assuming you have to deal with struct in this way. For completeness of this method (with packaging implementation details omitted):

 open FSharp.NativeInterop [<StructLayout(...)>] type myStructure = struct val mutable a : int val mutable b : byte end let changeA pointer newA = let mutable structure = NativePtr.read pointer structure.a <- newA NativePtr.write pointer structure 

However, since you must know the exact offsets of each element, you can also use this information to write directly to this field. F # does not provide a way to do this using named identifiers, and its strict typing like nativeptr<'T> means that you cannot just apply a pointer to the corresponding type. The NativePtr.set offset ptr function adds sizeof<'T> * offset , so this is also useless in this case.

Let's say myStructure type has a Packed attribute for simplicity. Then the offsets are 0 for a and 4 for b . Throwing all caution to the wind and completely abandoning the area of ​​managed memory, we could do:

 let changeB pointer newB = let bPtr = NativePtr.toNativeInt pointer |> (+) 4n |> NativePtr.ofNativeInt<byte> NativePtr.write bPtr newB 

or even:

 let changeMember pointer offset (value : 'T) = let pointer' = NativePtr.toNativeInt pointer |> (+) (nativeint offset) |> NativePtr.ofNativeInt<'T> NativePtr.write pointer' value 

I leave open the question of what is the best way to deal with these situations, if they should be resolved at all. I tend to go in the first, clearest way by using extra memory. The last, arbitrary offset method should be avoided at all costs - if you need to deal with adding raw offsets, it is much better to wrap them in a more easily verifiable function, such as the second method, so the caller does not need to calculate the offset on its own.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012466/

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