How to connect a weak application to webhook?

How can I do this, because when I try and interact with the accompanying button, I continue to receive the following error.

Darn – that didn't work. Only Slack Apps can add interactive elements to messages 
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1 answer

Interactive buttons are some of the features that only work if you use the Slack app. One of the reasons for this is that you need a place to configure the URL of your script for Slack to send a request when someone clicks a button. It will also work with webcams, but only if the webhook is also part of the Slack application. It will not work with a simple user website.

To make a Slack app for your Slack team, you need to complete two steps.

  • Create a new Slack application (for example, on this page )
  • Install the Slack app on your Slack Oath Team. (See here )

Please note that you do not need to publish your Slack app in the Slack App directory. It's not obligatory.



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