I have a situation where I use a polymer starter pattern template for my application. My polymer.json files look like this:
{ "entrypoint": "index.html", "shell": "src/my-app.html", "fragments": [ ], "sourceGlobs": [ "src/**/*", "images/**/*", "bower.json" ], "includeDependencies": [ "manifest.json", "bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js" ] }
When I create a polymer assembly using the polymer-cli command, the package folder seems to skip the shell file "my-app.html".
If i remove
"shell": "src/my-app.html",
from the polymer.json file, the my-app.html file is created in the / src subfolder, as it should be, but the index.html file is missing.
I use a template for a set of polymer starters and add files to it. I cannot understand why my-app.html or index.html disappears depending on how the policy.json file is configured.
Could you tell me what is wrong here?
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