I ran php app / console assetic: a dump for publishing assets for a Symfony2 application, but I got this error:
[Assetic\Exception\FilterException] An error occurred while running: '/usr/bin/java' '-jar' '/home/devx/public_html/mutualcontratos/app/Resources/java/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar' '--charset' 'UTF-8' '-o' '/tmp/YUI-OUT-3E8eNl' '--type' 'js' '/tmp/YUI-IN-DmkGnm' Error Output: sh: /usr/bin/java: No existe el fichero o el directorio
This means that the java executable was not found.
The fact is that I have another Symfony2 application on the same server, and it works there. I compared both config.yml files and they are identical. What is missing in this other application?
This is the full config.xml file:
imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } - { resource: security.yml } framework:
source share