Missing gradle.properties file to create APK file in Windows React Native

After completing my Android application using React Native, I wanted to create an APK file to install on my friends' phones and me. To do this, I need to edit a specific gradle.properties file (according to the React Native documentation ). I tried to find this file for almost a week, and now I have finished searching all over C: for the file. I found many files with the correct name, but not one of them in the correct form or with the correct contents.

I suspect the problem is that I am using Windows, not Linux or Mac (for which the documentation is written). Is there another file for editing using windows, or am I missing something?

Using Windows 10 and React native 0.31.0

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1 answer

gradle.properties file is located in the following path:


Same thing if you are using Windows or Mac.

Here is a screenshot of my file system:

Location gradle.properties


You can put the code anywhere, here is my gradle.properties

enter image description here :


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012298/

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