How to combine these two to create a vertical menu? I have a basic routing setup (which works and appears in the standard horizontal menu):
<div> <Link className="p5" to='/'>Home</Link> <Link className="p5" to='/Gallery'>Gallery</Link> <Link className="p5" to='/Contact'>Contact</Link> </div>
From the action-bootstrap docs, this example is for a vertical Nav element:
function handleSelect(selectedKey) { alert('selected ' + selectedKey); } const navInstance = ( <Nav bsStyle="pills" stacked activeKey={1} onSelect={handleSelect}> <NavItem eventKey={1} href="/home">NavItem 1 content</NavItem> <NavItem eventKey={2} title="Item">NavItem 2 content</NavItem> <NavItem eventKey={3} disabled>NavItem 3 content</NavItem> </Nav> );
I am confused how to bring them both together? I managed to assemble them without using a reaction bootstrap, just a normal bootstrap, as shown below, but that defeats the purpose of using a bootstrap reaction.
<ul className="nav nav-pills nav-stacked"> <li className="active"><Link className="p5" to='/'>Home</Link></li> <li><Link className="p5" to='/Gallery'>Gallery</Link></li> <li><Link className="p5" to='/Contact'>Contact</Link></li> </ul>
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