WDS is disabled! constantly appear

Running webpack-dev server is fine. Loading the first page is fine. But when I update the browser, every two seconds "WDS disconnected" appears in the console, and the browser restarts indefinitely. This issue only appears in the Firefox / Firefox Developer Edition browser . There are no problems in Chrome, Edge, IE11 browsers. Console. Error tracing

package.json: .... "webpack": "^1.13.3", "webpack-dev-server": "^1.16.2" webpack.config.js: .... entry: [ //'app': './app/app.ts' 'webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080/', './app/app.ts' ], output: { publicPath: 'http://localhost:8080/', filename: 'app/app.bundle.js' }, .... 

Firefox Developer Edition 51.0a2

source share

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1012264/

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